Healing Broken Heart - Sarah Mattix
Living in the Middle East for over 20 years has afforded Sarah Mattix a firsthand perspective of the trauma women faces in this troubled region. After years of counseling women from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, she has learned to empathize deeply with their tragic plight. This book is a collage of their stories that sheds light not only on their grievous experiences, but also on practical ways of engaging them and helping them toward holistic healing. Sarah also shares her own struggles and how God has used them to better equip her in her trauma and crisis counseling. Subjects covered include: sexual abuse, domestic violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, coping with grief, self-harming, and more.

Dear Muslim Friend seeks to answer the basic questions Muslims are commonly asking about Christianity. These include: Hasn’t the Bible been changed? How could Isa [Jesus] be the Son of God? Didn’t someone else die on the cross instead of Isa [Jesus]? Misunderstanding on these and related issues continues to feed the misconception that cloud East and West relations. This book is designed to provide answers in an easily-understood format. More importantly, it sheds light on God’s truth as it relates to the salvation God offers to all people. Table of Contents: Arabic Words Used A Letter to My Friends Why Conflict? Answers to Questions:
- Is the Bible (Tawrat, Zabur, Injil) Trustworthy?
- Who Is Isa [Jesus] and What Did He Do?
- What Is the Relationship Between Christianity and Islam?
- What Are Christian Beliefs and Practices?
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