At Risk Women of the Middle East

“Love your neighbor as yourself” – Mark 12:31
Trauma Healing

Providing healing and restoration to all women who have been traumatized and are seeking safety.

Educational Aid

Supporting and financially aiding young women to continue their education and pursue their dreams.

Abused Women

Supporting and financially helping women who have suffered from domestic abuse.


Providing a safe environment for traumatized women to heal and grow.

Love & Care

Showing love and care to these women and supporting them as they pursue their goals.

Travel Aid

Financial aid to bring them from their home country to North Cyprus.

Our Story

The stories of resilient and brave women from the At Risk Women scholarship program.


Zala was only a young girl, inching her way toward womanhood when that dreadful knock resounded in their home 6 years ago. That single knock on the door of their peaceful home was…


Azada is a social activist. She is courageous, is not afraid to stand up against those who are hypocritical and is a woman who has chosen freedom over captivity. This is why she has chosen…

woman, shadow, monochrome-6212065.jpg


Farah’s story is one of extreme endurance and persistence. Her ambition and passion for women’s rights and freedom in Afghanistan is the exact thing that made her a threat…

Why We Do What We Do

Jesus declared that the second greatest commandment, was to love our neighbor as ourselves. As faithful followers of Christ, we take this commandment very seriously. Our commitment to Jesus and his words are the sole reason we do what we do. As the Apostle Paul stated, “If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” (2 Corinthians 5:13-14)

We have chosen to love these girls and have chosen to dedicate our lives to the Middle East, because Christ’s love compels us to do so.


To rescue war-torn women and abused women in the Middle East from dangerous places and provide them with emotional, financial, and educational support.


To rescue war-torn and abused women and show them the love of Christ, teaching them how to love, forgive, and succeed in life.


– Sharing Love
– Human Rights
– Unity Among Nations
– Worldwide Peace

Our Team

Jerry Mattix

Founder & Program Manager

Sarah Mattix

Founder & Trauma Therapist


Administrative Manager

Kayra Yıldız

Social Media Manager